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A Special Thank You! – Ellis E. Fowler

A Special Thank You!

I just wanted to take a moment and express my most sincere gratitude to everyone who downloaded, purchased, shared, reviewed, or mentioned my book within this last week. And a special shout out to those of you new to my mailing list as well!

It may seem like a person who presents their thoughts and work to the world has an immeasurable amount of confidence and courage, but this isn’t true.

There is a great deal of self-doubt that comes with every step that I take. An internal struggle as to whether or not I’m on the right path, whether or not I suck, whether or not I’ll ever reach the level of success that I would like.


But every time I shove that self-doubt to the side and take a step, there are awesome people like yourself  who reinforce my own belief that whatever it is that I’m doing, however small, has some meaning.


The support that you show for my dreams, whether you know it or not, is a great part of the fuel that keeps me moving forward in this creative life. So thank you.


Reading a short book, writing a review, or giving a quick word of encouragement may seem like a trivial act, a small and insignificant part of your day, but it gives me air, and a platform and confidence to take the next step.  I appreciate that with all my heart.


Now an Update: The first 5 days of my book promo saw over 1,400 downloads, several paperbacks sold, and a #2 spot on the amazon bestseller list for one of its categories 2 days in a row!


If you read the book and enjoy it, please take a moment to write a short review on Amazon, it will be a tremendous help for myself and projects going forward.


Well, I’ve jumped out there, now I have to keep going.


My goal is to have book 2 on your shelves before the end of the year. Yeah, I’m experiencing some self-doubt about it, but I’ll overcome it, aided by the knowledge that you’ll be there to show your love and support on the other side.


Thanks so much for your time. Great things are on the horizon for you. Take care.


If you want to stay updated about my books, as well as  blogs and other projects, enter your name and email below and subscribe to my newsletter. I appreciate your support!

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