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4 things I learned from “Just Drive ” Social Casting – Ellis E. Fowler

4 things I learned from “Just Drive ” Social Casting

Whenever you receive an email that starts with “thank you for…” It’s probably not the best of news that follows lol. Well, I received such an email today, and after 3 rounds of social casting, I’m no longer being considered for the role of Jeremy in the film “Just Drive”.

First of all I have to give a TREMENDOUS THANK YOU  to everyone who watched a video, liked a post,  posted a comment, shared, or simply sent positive thoughts my way.

I audition for roles often, and  I know that It’s all a part of my life as an actor, so I’ve learned to not be attached to the outcomes. But admittedly this situation has been a little different.

It’s not often that I broadcast the auditions I go to or the roles I have secured or do not get. So usually I don’t need to report on the outcomes. But the “Just Drive” social casting process forced my hand in this instance, and I’m so glad it did because I’ve learned a lot.

1. I have a solid support system to build on.

If you’re reading this, you’re officially one of my biggest fans, Thank You! Lol. Up until now I’ve never really posted much that required an active response from the people that I know. Admittedly I was worried if people would pay attention or if they would scroll by, caught up in the whirlwind of a thousand other posts.

But I was surprised and delighted by the response you gave. Hundreds of views on my round 2 audition, over 100 likes, and several comments! Not to mention the feedback on my interview, and the #TeamEllis posts on Facebook. I got this far because of you! I need to continue to grow my support base and you are an essential component, a necessary block in the foundation of that. You are valued, and I hope you stay tuned.

2. My journey is something I should share more often

When it comes to my artistic goals I often keep them self-contained. Because let’s face it, not every endeavor is a success. Sometimes you have a tremendous amount of optimism, excitement, and hope about something and then it falls to pieces. When people have been following your journey it’s that much harder to admit and express that said endeavor hasn’t been successful. But that’s what a journey is… It isn’t about magically arriving at success, it’s about the bumps in the road, the troll on the bridge and the dragon in the caves. It’s about how you overcome these obstacles, and at the end of the day, reach your destination. And I am confident that I will reach my destination… So what is there to fear about sharing the journey more often?

3. Publicity builds accountability.

Simply stated, when I know people are watching, I know I have to bring my A game and I know I have to follow through no matter what.

4. It’s OK to ask for help.

I don’t know why, but I’ve always been reluctant to ask for help. Maybe my parents taught me a little too well, to be a strong self sufficient man. More accurately it’s probably this thing called Pride… Another one of my personal struggles. I’m working on it. Despite my issues with pride I have no issues with acknowledging where my help comes from. Thank you all! And we’ll get it next time.

With that being said I’ll fill you in on some things and ask for some more help.

If you haven’t already, please go “like” and follow my Facebook fan page: Here

  • I have a few short films that I’ll be featured in that are being released this year I’ll keep you posted on the details!!
  • I’ll also be launching my official YouTube channel with comedic sketches, a vlog show, and a comedic webseries soon, so be on the lookout for that as well! FB message or email me If you’d like be involved and want more info.

Great things are on the horizon…For Both of us. Thanks for your support, thanks for reading and take care.

PS. Please continue to follow and support the Just Drive film. It is sure to be an awesome endeavor.


Special thanks to the Just Drive team for the opportunity and your consideration!

0 Responses

  1. Ellis great post. Count me as a loyal reader and fan. I can't stress enough how sincere we are in wanting to collaborate with you, in some way shape or form. Be it a role in another film we hopefully get to make, or lending assistance to a project you are pursuing, such as your youtube channel. As a fan I want to see you in the best position/role possible so you will have the best chance to succeed, I'm sorry it wasn't Jeremy, but your talent, charisma and spirit was not lost on the writer.

  2. Awwwww cousin! No worries! You have my support no matter the outcome! Like I told you earlier just means that God has something much greater in store for you' on to bigger And better things!!

  3. Good job man, by reading your post here I've learned 1 major thing. You definitely have what it takes man. You're strong, literate, and you understand the world a little better than most. You will achieve your dreams I somehow feel it. Keep at it. People are noticing.

  4. Yes! I believe that as well, that's why I can move forward with confidence about what's to come.Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. It provides more than you know. #TeamEllis

  5. Hey Ellis, sorry to hear that this roll was not the match, but I'm a firm believer that what God has for you no one else can have it. I am also, very proud of the wisdom you have on how to move forward from a "no"; which in my book is "not at this time" LOL. Please know that I am praying for you and looking forward to the great actor I know you are and will become. Love much and keep the posts coming!! #IAM #TeamEllis

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