My Origins pt.2 (Happy Father’s Day Dad!)
Whenever I talk with someone about how my personality formed, and who I am at my deepest core, I oftentimes find myself saying this statement: ” I consider myself to
Whenever I talk with someone about how my personality formed, and who I am at my deepest core, I oftentimes find myself saying this statement: ” I consider myself to
Whenever I talk with someone about how my personality formed, and who i am at my deepest core, I oftentimes find myself saying this statement: ” I consider myself to
So I’ve made it to LA! Really about a week ago, but I had to take a hiatus to get myself together….physically and mentally. The past few days have been
Today was the first day since this trip began that I’ve felt optimistic about it and I’m glad. The Impala (needs a name) ran extremely well and my mom did
This morning we start out again. Hopefully all of the drama is over and we can have a pleasant trip from here forward. If not, I’m going to make some
Sometimes when it rains it pours…without a storm cloud in the sky. Initially I thought that getting sick before the trip began and being severly delayed the day of was
Amarillo Texas. It’s 5:30 in the morning and I need to be asleep. I arrived at the hotel about an hour ago. Checkout is at 12. Everything went as planned