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Realize Your Resolutions: Author Q & A – Ellis E. Fowler

Realize Your Resolutions: Author Q & A

My mini-book on goal setting and step by step strategies to help you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions is available now on Amazon.com! If You’re someone who is serious about setting a goal, (no matter what time of year it is) and seeing it through to completion, I encourage you to check it out! As a gift to you, I’m running a FREE promotion of the book for this weekend only. Get it now and get yourself ready to conquer 2018!


Realize your Resolutions


Author Q & A


Q: Didn’t you just release a book? Why write another one so soon?


A: Yes. I released book 2 of my fiction series the Dead Man chronicles earlier this month. I had it in my head as a half-idea to write a book about New Year’s Resolutions before January,  and then one day while writing the possible synopsis, I decided to just go for it, commit to a few sleepless nights, and put out this book before the New Year. It’s short, only about 60 pages, but it’s full of encouragement, info, and tips I feel could really help those who want to make a change in the coming year.


I think it’s because some of my strongest passions are personal development and helping others. Usually, I write personal development related blogs on my website, but since I was so focused on my fiction work this year I had to write fewer blogs. It was a choice of how to best manage my time. But the part of me that loves writing about the topics of self-improvement was scratching at the surface. So I feel like this book is my way of trying to express that part of me in a significant way before the year comes to a close.


Q: So who is this book aimed at?


A: This book is for anyone who wants to set a goal and reach it. I used the New Year as a frame of reference because a lot of people are reflective during this time and make resolutions that they want to accomplish. The reality is, however, that most people won’t accomplish their resolutions, so I wanted to help give them an edge up in terms of making sure they set specific and realistic goals and making sure that their mindsets are ones that are going to push them toward success.


Because of my creative and personal training background, I talk a great deal about body transformation goals and creative based goals like writing, but they’re just examples and the principles in this book can be applied to goals of all types.


Q: How did you choose the tone of the book?


A: This book is all me. A mix of formal and informal just like my blog posts. I try to be articulate and professional, but I also bring my laid-back demeanor and no-nonsense approach. A friend of mine was surprised that I talk about not half-assing your steps when trying to accomplish your goals. I use that term because it’s relatable and real. People half-ass things that are difficult. They need to not. So I say it like it is, while still being encouraging and providing information that is going to support the reader, not make them feel discouraged or guilty. But we all need a healthy dose of reality, and there are a few of those moments in the pages.


Q: What do you hope people get out of this book?


A: If they can apply any of the ideas I lay out, and that helps them to achieve their goals or even get a few steps closer, that would be huge for me. We’ve all had help to get where we are, and we all need help to get to where we want to go. I’d love to be one of those helping hands in someone’s life.


Q:  Anything else you’d like to say?


A: The new year is a time to take a moment and pause. In that pause, we are able to reflect on ourselves, on our environment, on our lives, and after we have reflected we can determine what we want in the year to come, and how we’re going to get there.


I encourage you not to speed blindly through this opportunity for pause, but to embrace it and really get in touch with what you want to manifest in your life. Then determine what steps you can take next year to get you there and put in some action.


I sincerely hope that my book can help you to come up with the perspectives and strategies to reach the other side of 2018 feeling excited about what you have accomplished and ready to start the process over again for even greater success in the years that follow.


Click here to Get your copy of Realize Your Resolutions Today!

Realize your resolutions


Great things are on the horizon for you. Take care.


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