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Pray for More Failures – Ellis E. Fowler

Pray for More Failures

I think that if  you want to reach that next level in your career, in your love life, with your talents, etc. you should pray for more failures. Now, before you start scratching your head any harder, allow me to explain my twisted logic.

My point is, in order to experience failure, you had to have DONE something. Made a move. Taken a step. Followed through on a plan or thought. It didn’t turn out perfectly; you may have faced rejection,  but you now have the opportunity to learn from that “failure” for the next time. This is what I mean by “pray for more failures”, because it means that you’re asking to be constantly learning and DOING, and by doing, and doing only, is anything ever accomplished.

If you are in a comfort zone, contemplating, complaining, or over-analyzing, that can cause you to feel stuck, and keep you at arm’s-length from your goals. Get out there and do some failing. Seek out a risky opportunity. Call it active research…learn and get better going forward toward what you want.

Now, I’m definitely not a fan of the feeling of failure or anything remotely like it (once again…recovering perfectionist here). But I understand and appreciate its merits and what it implies…that I’m still trying.

Once you stop experiencing failure you have either reached the pinnacle of success, or given up.

You shouldn’t get those confused.

As a rule, you should approach everything you do with adequate research and thought to avoid the obvious pitfalls, but the only way to get YOUR experience (as opposed to reading a book, Grandma’s advice, or a Youtube tutorial video) is by doing. You just have to apply what you learn along the way and adjust your approach as needed.

[blockquote] The one caveat to consider is that there’s a difference between using your failure to grow, and just doing the same thing, the same way, over and over…and still failing…for the same reason. That’s called insanity.[/blockquote]

Anyway, take risks and go get what you want. Great things are ahead…for both of us.


Ps. I don’t necessarily mean you should literally “pray” for failures…just adopt the mindset that you’re open to take a few more risks in your life, and be OK with the possibility that you might fall a few times along the way. 😉